I have found something new to play with in my life of creativity, I have discovered the power of Chroma green and the use video together. Being an artist and graphic designer I have now taped into a whole another world of creativity behind the camera. This is something that I enjoy doing on the side of ministry. God has blessed me with this gift and I have always wondered how the two would come together. Any way back to the Chroma or other words known as Green Screen, I have begun to let my creative juices flow and it is dangerous. Well I am not really a dangerous person by nature but this whole green screen has captivated my attention to the fullest of my creative juices. I have a thirteen year old daughter Whitney who likes to work with photography and she enjoys altering photos and such. So I figured we would spend some father daughter time during her spring break playing around with this green screen effects. We went to the fabric store and bought some bright green canvas and began to let our minds flow with creativity. We began to experiment with different shots. The initial process of green screen is shooting some video of background first and then shooting some video of your subject against the green screen or in our case our newly purchased green canvas. We all know that Spiderman is not real but now a days they make him seem so real. So I wanted to make the first ever teenage spider woman. I shot video of a brick wall as I was climbing the ladder looking down. Then I shot some video of my daughter A.K.A. spider woman crawling toward me like spider man on her hands and feet. I then preceded to bring the two together and told the computer to remove the green background and wha la, you have spider woman crawling up the wall. We had so much fun making short twenty second clips of her floating in the sky, pretending to be something we weren't. Great time of bonding and this all made me think of what the Psalmist said in Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
Be yourself, base off your relationship with God. Not what the wicked do. Even though pretending is fun and using it towards creativity, there is a lot of this going on in the church today. We are not being what God wants us to be. We are not being the church Christ is coming back for because we are caught up in the imagination of the worldly things that corrupt us. The junk we see on T.V. or listen to on the radio is simply that, JUNK. Not everyone falls into this but the church is failing to make our voice heard and take a stand for Christ Jesus. The bible says in Isaiah 42:111 Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops.
We cannot sit silent and just let the world go by and watch our children and teens the church of today be corrupted by fantasy, lies and deception. Creativity is a gift from God and it should be used to Glorify him not distort the message and mislead our world.
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