Living In the FAST lane
I was talking to Daddy today and in his presence just the sheer utterance of silence came across me, I began to to wonder what was next in my time with him. I wanted to hear his voice clearly and know what was next for my life. As I was praying and seeking his voice I began to remember a time where I wanted something from my father as a young teenage boy, I was trying to figure out what I could do to convince him that I really needed this tool that would help me expand my talents as a young artist. I had mentioned several times about this airbrush I wanted a while back. But he never got the hint I guess. I wanted this airbrush so bad and it cost a lot of money at the time. So I continued to think of ways that I could get my father to buy it for me. I was willing to clean the garage which nobody liked to do. And by the looks of it you would know why. Junk piled upon junk, tools scattered everywhere. Old fishing poles and camping gear just thrown anywhere and not to mention the birds-nest of wires and cables from God only knows where. So I approached my father and he said he wanted to talk to me any way. and he began to speak but I interrupted him and said “dad, dad” I have something to ask you. He said hold on let me tell you something. I told him but I want to ask you something. I was anxious to get my words out first before he would lose focus on what I wanted to ask him. After several attempts of him trying to tell me something I kept on shouting to him “DAD”! I want you to get me something and I will clean out the Garage. He got silent and said what do you want, I told him about the airbrush again but this time I told him I could earn money selling airbrushed items. He said “Ted that air brush cost a lot of money”. I said yes dad but I will clean the garage for you and mom. He said fine, go ahead and we will see what we can do. Usually that meant “go ahead and clean and no you can’t have it”. So I took my chances and I worked hard, it was in the summer time, it was hot and I was determined to get this project done so I could get my airbrush. It took me all day sweating and filthy dirt covering me. But finally at eleven at night I had finished. I was so tired and I didn’t even care about the airbrush anymore at this time. I didn’t even want a shower. I crawled in the bed and fell asleep. I woke back up Saturday morning and smelling pretty ripe at this point. I got up enough energy to get in the shower and when I was done and dressed my father called me into the kitchen. He said Ted, I said yes dad. He said I wanted to tell you something last night but couldn’t get a word in to you because you were so worked up on your air brush. He said I just wanted to tell you I love you and how proud of you I am. I wanted you to know that because I don’t think you really know. Your always busy and going a hundred miles an hour. But I wanted you to know this and he handed me a bag with a box in it. It was the airbrush I wanted with several bottles of paint. He said I had gotten this for you monday night Ted and I wanted to give it to you last night. I was speechless. mostly because my foot was still in my mouth from last night.
I realize now that sometimes we need to listen first before asking Aba Father. We should take time to fast and just listen. When we fast we don’t have to do some special task, but we do need to clean our hearts and minds of everything so that we can hear his voice. When we fast it is not to get something from God but for God to give us what he wants us to have out of love. Because he is proud of you and loves you unconditionally. Slow down and FAST. You never know what God will give you. He might not give you anything but love. I realized after my father said what he said, it didn’t matter if he had gotten me the airbrush I wanted or not. His words of love and encouragement were just what I needed and wanted more than anything. Jesus just wants us to listen and soak in his presence and receive what he has for us. There are no costs to us, just discipline, and submission is what allows God to give us what he wants to.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). Your time of fasting will be rewarding and what you receive from God your father will be more that what you could have asked for.
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