I can remember a day when I had burned my hands on a wrench that was so hot it scalded my hands and left blisters. I don’t know about you but when you get burned it brings out the anger in you sometimes. You begin to ask why I am doing this. What’s the point? Here it is in the middle of the Kuwaiti desert and it’s 130 plus degrees and you are miserable. Everything you touch is scorching hot. I was a tank mechanic in the Army and we had to soak our tools in an ice chest to cool them off and lay blankets on the tanks before we could climb up on them and work. It was so miserable. I was constantly torn between reenlisting in the Army, or going home. I was home sick as many of the soldiers were. I had to think what was best for my family or my country. I knew that the misery would end when I went home and that all the 130 degree weather would be behind me. We would freeze at night and fry during the day. I remember when we challenged the theory of frying an egg on the hood of an HUMMER. Well I can tell you this it’s not just a theory we had not only eggs but sausage and pancakes to go with it. You see some days you just had to be creative to pass the time and others time passed you. I still wrestled with going home or staying in the Army for another three years. I knew that it would be better for you if I had stayed in and served my country and I did. Paul has a similar dilemma that he faced.
Near the end of his life, while in prison, Paul penned his letter to the Philippians. In this letter he admits to a dilemma: “I’m torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ. That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live. (Philippians 1:23-24, NLT).
Near the end of his life, while in prison, Paul penned his letter to the Philippians. In this letter he admits to a dilemma: “I’m torn between two desires: Sometimes I want to live and sometimes I long to go and be with Christ. That would be far better for me, but it is better for you that I live. (Philippians 1:23-24, NLT).
Paul's mind was definitely on heaven. He had long since realized that life on earth is only a shadow of life in eternity. He was homesick. But Paul also realized that every day was a gift from God and an opportunity to serve him. Every breath was another chance for him to share with someone about his eternal home. If your heart is in heaven, tell others about it, and maybe they’ll want to come too.
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