Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. That’s all I could hear as I was sitting at my desk waiting on God to enter the room and say something to me. I looked at my bible and then looked at the clock that kept me wondering why I am sitting here waiting on something to happen, for some magical sign of God to pierce my silence and move me. Then I realized that God created this very moment for me to speak to him. I was waiting on Him and he was giving me the chance to talk with him. I realize that God is not always going to speak to us. If and when we have issues and we need him we tend to just sit there and wait on God to move first. I can remember a pastor friend of mine saying that when counseling people if you just let them talk and you listen they almost always work out their own issues. They just need someone there to listen. I believe that God uses that same tactic with us at times. We all have issues and problems and sometimes if we speak to God and are transparent with him we begin to see the results unfold through our own words. God can fix us by using us. God is always near us and is waiting on us to talk to him. Sometimes God like to hear your voice too. We have to understand that God does hear us and when we believe and stand on his word whatever it is that we are asking for is given to us. Sometimes God doesn’t even need to speak. The blessing is already there we just have to believe things will work themselves out. 1John 5:14 This is the confidence in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.
I know that when I approach God and speak to him I cannot ask something of him that is against his will. If I ask of something in his will I can expect results based on what his word says. So the next time you are sitting there in a quiet place make some noise and talk to your daddy.
I know that when I approach God and speak to him I cannot ask something of him that is against his will. If I ask of something in his will I can expect results based on what his word says. So the next time you are sitting there in a quiet place make some noise and talk to your daddy.
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