My wife and I like to go out for a run in the morning and enjoy the beauty of God that surrounds us as we tour the streets with towering trees that shade the sun from our run. Everywhere I look I see reminders of God’s presence and all that he has designed for us to enjoy. My wife and I begin our run with a slow pace until we get warmed up a bit. Then I begin to pick up the pace a bit and my stride begins to lengthen as I get further into my run. I am now setting my pace in order to finish the race that I have in my own mind. The race for a better time and a race that I will be proud of while benefiting from a great cardio workout. My wife has her goal and in her way her own race. We are not racing each other but we both do have a race to win. I feel bad at times because I run at a much faster pace. I have longer legs and I have more experience in running over the years. Even though I love my wife, I cannot let her stand in my way in finishing my race. I sometimes will loop back around and pick her up and motivate her but I still have a mission in front of me. If I continue to run at her pace I will never improve and my body will not be pushed to its limits, to the uncomfortable state that it needs to improve. So we both have our own race to run and we cannot let one another hinder the goal at hand.
Our Christian walk with the Lord is the same. Some of us have friends that will keep us from reaching the goal that God has for us. Our friends or family can slow us down, distract us or even detour our lives from Gods call. I think that slowing down once in a while and motivating someone to get their life on track is always good as long as it doesn’t keep you from finishing your race, and receiving the prize that God wants to give you. Sometimes it’s not people that slow us down, but it’s the extra baggage we carry that can slow us down. We often carry too much baggage in our lives that can resemble an old pair of worn out shoes. You might be able to keep running for a while, but eventually it will cause you more harm than good and then your body takes a beating that can destroy your finish God has for you.
Hebrews 12:1
1 comment:
This really hit home with me. I think for all of my life I have been focusing on the race that other are running. And yes these people are important but if I do not run my race then how can I truely help others.
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