An all time classic comedy is Ground Hog Day. In the movie, a weatherman (Bill Murray) is reluctantly covering a story about a weather forecasting ground hog or "rat" as he calls it. This is his fourth year on the story, and he makes no effort to hide his irritation. Upon awaking the 'following' day, he discovers that it's Groundhog Day again, and each day thereafter. First, he uses this to his advantage. He pretends to change but never really comes to terms with reality. Finally, the realization that he is doomed to spend the rest of eternity in the same place has captured his attention, seeing the same people do the same thing EVERY day.
I couldn’t handle living the same frustrating day repeatedly. If God gives us a chance to change, it is in our best interest to do just that. When he sends his signs our way through the people that we are close to or through His scripture, it would be easier to just submit to the change He knows we need, rather than living the same day over and over again. Moses was sent by God to deliver a direct message to Pharaoh to free his people. Pharaoh had many opportunities to change. After the first plague I would have gotten the message loud and clear! Don’t try to live each day over and over again until you can get it right. We are not guaranteed tomorrow and change starts with attitude first.
Exodus 10:27-34
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