Six years old, fearless and can take on the world with my super hero’s. As I go to my room lay on my bed and look out my window, the evening sun has taken its place behind the mountains. The moon now guards the evening stars throughout the sky. My eyes begin to take their place deep beneath the lids. My ears are switching to the channel of peace and quiet. My body now molded to the wrinkles of my soft tethered blanket and my fingers grasping to its edges leaving the tip of one in my lips. My batman figurine and all his side kicks set at the foot of my bet guarding our makeshift cave. We are now going to the land so distant and far off. Nothing can hinder this trip where the Z’s unfold their work. Suddenly a distant rumble echoes through out the land. Then a flicker of light casts a burst of shadows deep beneath my eyelids. Quickly I peak out the side of one eye and capture another flicker of a shadow and I begin to see things move in my room. I slowly begin to unfold myself from the fetal position and peak around the room. Adrenalin flows like a river through out my body. My closet begins to capture the shadows from the rolling thunder and flash of lightening. I asked where did this storm come from and why did it bring all the shadow monsters with it? The moon is now only casting a faded light deep beneath the clouds; just enough to invite eerie in the room. I grab all my action figures from the base of the bed waiting for their next command. Nothing! I hold on tighter to my blanket as the lightening and thunder break the sound barrier. No one is responding to my call. It’s just me and the distance between the door to my room. As I slowly creep on my tip toes to the bedroom door as not to disturb the shadow monsters, I work my bravery up enough to make it to my parent’s room where mom and dad are not even fazed by all the battles going on outside my window. They can’t even see the shadow monsters preparing the attack. I slowly crawl into the safest place on the planet next to my father. Suddenly everything is peaceful once again.
Our lives can bring a lot of shadow monsters and we always feel that the world may be planning its attack on us. The rolling thunder from all the storms in our life is enough to frighten anyone. The comfort from our Heavenly father suddenly brings peace to those who seek him and fear him.
Psalm 34:4-7
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