It’s seven thirty in the morning and I am sitting at the table with my wife enjoying an iced coffee and a bowl of cereal while getting into my daily devotional. As I am leaning over to get a bite of cereal, I notice out of my peripheral vision that a yellow spot keeps edging its way closer to my leg. I try not to pay attention to the wet yellow ball that sits so gently in the mouth of my black lab, Boone. If I make eye contact, it’s on! He knows it and will drop his ball into my lap so that I have to put my hands on the slobbery ball. I call it “Boone’s crack”. It goes everywhere with him. Tennis balls are everywhere around the house and he worships them. I looked down at him and said, “You know the Bible says not to make an idol of anything Boone.” He looks at me like I’m out of my mind with those soft brown eyes that can melt an aluminum can.
I can’t help but think that today we strive to be the next idol. Look at what American Idol has become. People will do anything to get their moment on TV, even if they have no chance at all of being successful. But never the less, people flock by the thousands to be the next idol or get a peak to see the next idol. We have made idolism what it is today and now there are many shows trying to mimic the American Idol. If we continue to worship people for their talents, the way they look, act, or sing then we will continue to lose Jesus Christ in all this. My dog Boone worships his tennis ball, but he is loyal to me in every aspect. He will drop his ball in order to give love and or receive it from me. We as Christians should be that way. We can enjoy entertainment without worshiping the people who entertain. If we are after what the world has, we are losing the war against the enemy. Think about it, we know more song lyrics than we do scriptures. Ouch! Who or what is an idol in your life?
Romans 1:21-23
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