During these times we are in there is so much negativity thrown at us from every angle. As Christians what are we to do? Aren’t we supposed to be the strong, the willing, and able. Are we called to a higher place of expected hope? I think we have to answer each and every question with Christ first. I was reading 2nd Timothy today and came across verse seven in the first chapter. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” This is one place where the “but” is allowed to get in the way of the enemy strategy. You see this type of fear does not come from God, it comes from the enemy. As long as you have fear in your life there is doubt. If there is doubt, our faith in Christ ability diminishes. The enemy is very good at what he does; he has been at it longer than you have been alive. He has enough time under his evil belt to defeat anybody. But, once again we may feel very small compared to the dark angel, think how small David felt against Goliath. David didn’t hold on to how small he felt, he held on to how Big our God really is. In Romans 8:15 it says “For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” The cry out to God releases any bondage we may feel is on our lives. Fear is a type of bondage and can tear you apart. Christ died so that we can be free of any bondage. Hold on to His word during these tough times, and remember these times are only as tough as you perceive them to be. God sees these times as a time to gain strength in Him and become closer than ever. There has to be peace in knowing this. Enjoy your time in growing close to God today, and forever.
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