Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How Well Do you Know Christ Jesus

How well do you know Christ? I was sitting reading the word and God spoke to me and said How well do you know me? And Of course I said I think I know you well, but probably not well enough. I had to really meditate on this. I had to ask myself what I am missing. Do I know him like He wants me to know Him? If Christ visited today, would I have a close enough relationship with him that I would miss him if he passed by? We all know the Image of Jesus Christ and what the world has pictured him to look like. A gentle man with soft olive skin, long brown hair and soft brown eyes. But what if he came with Tattoos, piercing, and a Harley. What if he were wearing a ragged pare of jeans, torn shirt, and smells like dead rodent. Do we truly know Jesus Christ the way that He wants us to know him? I am not saying Todd Bentley is the Christ of today, But what if. Are we close enough to Christ and do we have that intimate relationship with him that we could honestly see him. I Believe that if we had that type of relationship with Christ, that we could pick him out. I believe that He would allow us to discern who he is and what he would do if he came to Earth in the form of flesh again. After his crucifixion, he appeared to his disciples and they did not recognize him. I think that he had intentions of revealing himself but knew they had not the intimate relationship that He had with his father. Christ desires the same relationship with us as He does with His father. One that we would know him better than his disciples, one that he could build his kingdom. If we think that we know Jesus well enough now, we will not continue to get to know him any further, we will become complacent and satisfied with what we know and therefore we will miss him when he passes by. Do you know him well enough? Could you get to know him better?

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