In our society, small means "not very important." We tend to look over the small things in life and track down all the big things we think will make the biggest impact. I could remember as a child that the bigger the present the better it was. It it didn't fit under the tree, well then it had to be pretty important, and it took a lot of money and effort to put it there. How disappointed I became one year when I realized that the reason for the big box that was wrapped in newspaper, was to protect the precious cargo inside. It was packed and stuffed all around the small piece of valuable merchandise. It only took me ten minutes to unwrap what it took my mother 45 minutes to secure with precision, and care. The part that was the hardest for me to swallow was that once I got it unwrapped my mother told me that she would hold on to it untill I got older and could appreciate it. It was a hand me down, a pocket watch that was my great grandfathers. To this day she still holds on to the watch but I also have a greater appreciation for the gift coming to me.
But you O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village in Judah. Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past.
Miciah 5:2
What seems so "not very important, or insignificant to us is extreemly important and significant to God.
Great post Pastor TED
How true in life Ihave found out first hand that bigger is not always better, but the small times that we have alone with God really ends up being the BIG instead of the small
God bless you and your family Ted
and have a Merry CHRISTmas
Great pic of you & Sherri!
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