I consider myself a coffee junkie. I’d rather not call it an addiction because that seems a bit un-Christian like. So in order to please the crowd I call myself a Java Junkie. One thing any coffee connoisseur will tell you is the many stains they have encountered over the years. I like to look at the table after one has finished their hot choice of Java. One thing that you see almost every time is a light coffee stain or ring left on the table, counter, book, and maybe even the very paper that is decorated with their writing. Somehow the java always manages to escape the cup it’s poured in, and creates a path down the side onto whatever is in its path from the bottom of the cup. For some of us it is even our favorite shirt. These coffee stains can produce unique patterns and if you look at one long enough you might even find an animal of choice or even a sculpture that captivates your eyes and mind for a while. Our Christian life is like a coffee stain sometimes. We always manage to have some type of stain and to some people it just captivates others and we begin to draw conclusions about their lives. The funny thing is, is that while we are drawn to the lives and sins of others that stain their lives we are spilling our own coffee somewhere and our stains begin to take their own shape. Come on we’ve all done it. While sipping on your hot java something catches your attention and there it goes down your chin and onto your shirt. We collectively look around to see if anybody notices that we have a hole in our lip and we slowly wipe the dribble off our chin and try to clean the shirt and table before it stains. This is why God sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth for us. To clean up or coffee stains from the past. We have to do a better job of not spilling the coffee and focusing on Christ. He will wash our stains away as white as snow. So the next time you see someone drinking some coffee and they leave a stain behind. Maybe you can look beneath your own cup!
Isaiah 1:18-20
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